There are a bazillion and one different kinds of religion in the world. Even those that say they belong to the same religion can believe...

Snowing... we need the snow...
Its late fall, we are still training on ATVs - which I hate. I hate motors, they frustrate me more than anything. We've gotten about 8"...

Legend of Soap Here...A sled dog leader
I have a story, a story of a 4-legged legend. Rarely do dogs get to tell their own stories (well number one is because they can't...

Live your dream...
Fall training next to the Parks Highway on October 16, 2017, the back ground you can see Denali and all her glory on this beautiful clear...

The Story of the Honda...
When a musher thinks about fall training, we get excited. It is the start of the season that we enjoy the most! Running dogs! Even...

Adventure of Miss Toes...
So I wasn't going to have any puppies this year. Nope not gonna do it. I have enough dogs and will have my hands full training them...
Reflection, recollection and reaction...
Here is a good one from last spring that I haven't published yet :) don't worry I'm in the land of electricity and wifi (*well at least...

Goose Bay 150 recap...recovery
**Caution lots of adult words to follow** Fear, abandonment, cold, fear.... those are a few things that went through my head. I even let...

What happens when...
What happens when you finally realize that you are happy. What does that look like? This moment in time isn't something that you can...

Just little ol' me and 29 crazy mutts....
So for those of you that are new to my blog... I started this about a year ago and I actually have found that this is VERY therapeutic...